Me and Ol' Zeek were out panning for some nuggets near Henderson canyon this last weekend when I noticed something off in the distance
Ol' Zeek is a pretty good guy but he wasn't having much luck with the gold on this trip
I zoomed my camera all the way in to see what the two figures off in the distance were
I still had one more zoom level to use
Turned out there was a whole family of Bighorns out that morning
I think Spring may have been in the air as there seemed to be two males fighting over the cute one in the middle
This poor little feller lost his mommy
But it all was good in the end
Well, Ol' Zeek and me had to get back to work before the boss man found us horsing around
It's a long day out in the fields
Ol' Zeek sure knows how to pack the horse good
See more photos of the amazing Sky Art Sculptures on my
photography blog and also the official
Galleta Meadows Website