A possible yoni rock carving in Indian Valley

Mr. Taratula in Canebrake

Agave plant scat..yumm

Large sand berm in Canebrake (click to enlarge)

The Crawford Ranch

Looking west-north from the sand berm, wow...it is just amazingly vast here..that is Red Top in the distance. You can see the rain clouds moving in.

Looking North into Inner Pasture towards Moonlight Canyon...it is far away.

Morteros near some rock shelters indicate Native American habitation

Why do they always crap in the morteros???

Close up showing the hair and bones in the scat

One of the larger rock shelters I found (click to enlarge)

View north-west from the shelter (click to enlarge)

Another smaller rock shelter, little remained

More possible Yoni rock carvings back in Indian Valley

Leaving Indian Gorge a nice rainbow stretched across the road. It was short lived though as the rain was following me and would soon start raining hard.

Total Mylar balloon count for a 7 mile hike - 6

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