Big thunderstorm clouds over the south part of the canyon, you can see Monument and Garnet Peaks off in the distance. I did get rained on and saw many lightning strikes. This is a 360 degree panorama photo.

Found 2 old Coke bottles. Based on some research I did I believe they are probably from the early 1970's, bottle evolution #14. On one side is the name in script and on the other is only the word Coke. They are the 6.5 ounce bottles.

There was a nice rock shelter with a single mortero out in front

Descending an unnamed small peak I saw some morteros at the base of the ridge

I love finding bony scat, here is a great find! Probably coyote

Here is a zoomed in shot, notice what looks like an entire limb with the joint and what looks like a couple of black whiskers poking out above to the right

The question nobody seems to be able to answer every time I ask is why do animals always crap in the holes in rocks or right on rocks obviously out of the way? This scat is beginning to take on the same colors as the rock around it

Rock Art comes in a variety forms, here is an example of a very controversial form known as a Yoni. You can decide for yourself, Yoni or not

Other forms are more widely accepted, modern or pre-historic

He looked like he was painted blue at some point so I DStretched him

Something a little more authentic

I think this a Burrowing Owl burrow but I am no expert. For size reference you could probably roll a softball down this hole

Can't go hike in the desert without finding some mylar balloons, this was a 5 balloon wreck in the cactus

Total Mylar balloons this trip - (7)